Why is it always the third day or third week in any plan or diet or routine you might be following, that seems to jump right up and bite you in the ass? Week 1 is pukka, perfect, couldn’t be better, you feel on top of the world, stronger than ever. Week 2 is even better, you’re getting into this now and really felling focused. Then Week 3 roles round and hits you with something resembling the sentence “oh is it?”…
To elaborate, my Tuesday night run was superb. It was a comfortable 5kms, keeping my pace steady at 6.2mins/km, had Florence & the Machine blaring away in my iPod... Happy Days! But on Wednesday morning the suffering started! You see long story short, I suffer from really tight and painful shin splints. Last year my uber-fantastic physio discovered that my problem was coming from knots in my calves the size of melons plus my short Achilles tendons, all devilishly combining together to give me moer-of-a-sore shins! So on Wednesday I realized that it’s time to visit aforementioned physio for what seems - to me anyway - like minor surgery.
Imagine if you will, the most painful massage you’ve ever ever had, throw in about 6 acupuncture needles in each leg, ultra-sound and that ‘pins and needles’ machine, and that sums up my visit to uber-fantastic physio who now is not so uber cuase she made me cry!
Needless to say I didn’t run on Thursday (oh the pain!) nor did I run on the weekend, turning Week 3 into pretty much a sucky running week.
Good news is, week 4 has rolled around and my shins feel like new! I am going to give them a test run tonight with a 5kms Then just to make sure my focus doesn’t dwindle any more, I am diligently attending a talk in Edenvale tonight by apparent legendary Comrades Coach, John Hamlett..... Hmmm, I wonder if there'll be any red wine?
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