Only a week after starting up my lil'ol blog again, I have experienced a little snag in the running, and thus writing, works... The snag being a silly little organ called an appendix - which has no use to us now but which my google-loving husband tells me was once used to help us digest tree bark we ate many many millennia ago. It reared its tiny head and decided to get a bit agitated! Long story short, it had to come out! So, one appedisectomy later, I am now a little immobile and unable to run for approximately three whole weeks, yikes!
This weeks blog was going to be about how deeply grateful I am that I love to run - I might not be good at it, or fast at it, or graceful at it AT ALL but man I do enjoy it! Take for example last week, before the weekend appendix episode, I did a couple of late afternoon runs. I remember smelling the Jasmine that's blooming which means spring is around the corner, I said hello to people in their gardens and out walking which means the winter hibernation is nearly over, and I felt the sun against my skin because my arms and legs weren't hidden under layers of winter clothes... This is what running means to me, its about getting out into the fresh air and using all the senses at one time. And now that I have been told I cannot do that for three weeks, I am even more grateful because I know how much I am going to miss it - it's been the silver lining around my eina operation!
Its all coming out a bit mushy and sickeningly Hollywood like - I'll blame the Stilpane tablets for that... But seriously I think some other runners might agree with me yes? Anyway, watch this space in a few weeks time, because I'll have to start from scratch again fitness wise and I might need all of your support to do it.. And it might not be all jasmine and spring-time then when I'm just trying to make it round the block hey!
All will work out girl